I'm a real big fan of StackOverflow, the place where programmers get to ask questions about pretty much anything programming-realted. There have been loads of times where I was stuck on a real messy programming problem, with no easy way out. A quick post on StackOverflow, and boom, I got the solution.
So, it's super-exciting to see how that same technology is now being used to allow Jewish people around the world to ask their own questions. Currently located at judaism.stackexchange.com, Jewish Life and Learning is enjoying it's first week as a beta site. Like most other StackExchange sites though, it will eventually be getting a more normal looking domain as well as a completely custom design.
One thing to note about the site is it's reliability. Just like anyone can ask a question, anyone can answer one. In other words, it's technically possible for invalid info to come up on the site. Like wikipedia, there is no guarantee that the information is valid, and you should keep that in mind before acting on any of the information given by the site.
So visit the site today, and start asking away. I look forward to answering your questions!
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